Thursday, November 26, 2009

First Project

I know it hasn't been that long since my first post, however, I thought I'd make this available for people who wanted it. It's currently still being worked on, but here is an early version of my Java IRC Bot, which will eventually include a number of cool functions. As of right now, there are some simple commands, and some basic customization. It will later do more advanced things, and hopefully speak better. It is an AI Bot, but you can tell it to shut up using the command. Edit the config.ini file, and then double click the jar file. (It will listen to anyone who shares the same hostname as it, so make sure its hostname resolves.)

Anyway, that's it for the description of the bot. Play around with it and see for yourself. The help command is .help, and to terminate it, type .die. Socket work and AI thanks to PircBot API and JMegaHal respectively.

Omni's AI Bot v.3a

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

So.... A blog....

At the suggestion of my friend Chuck, I've decided to make a blog. I haven't yet decided what I should do with my blog, or what I will post, but most likely I'll end up posting about Programming and the like. Anyway, I am currently working on some programming projects, so my next post will probably be about them.